Community Forum Guidelines

Modified on Wed, 14 Jun, 2023 at 11:14 PM

Welcome to the Samurai Community Forum.


The Community Forum is a place for users of Samurai XDR to meet, share notes and find useful hints and  information which will make it easier to use Samurai XDR and also also help users to improve the way they use Samurai XDR.  The Community Forum is also a place to discuss ways in which Samurai XDR could be improved to provide better security.

To make sure that all of our users get the best possible experience of the Samurai Community Forum, we need everybody using the forum to follow a few simple rules to ensure that discussion is always friendly and informative and to make sure that only appropriate content is posted to the forum. We have developed these Guidelines and the Samurai Community Rules (the "Rules") to make clear what content is not permitted.

By accessing the Samurai Community Forum, you agree to these Community Forum Guidelines (the "Guidelines") which are incorporated into the Samurai Terms of Service and apply to all users.  Further, you agree that we may, in our discretion, suspend of terminate your access if you violate the Guidelines.

Before we get into the Rules we'd like to first share some thoughts on how you can use the Samurai Community Forum, so that you can get the most benefit from it.


How can I contribute to the Community Forum?

You are the most important part of the community, even if all you do is read posts that somebody else has made.  We would love you to visit often.  Ask your most difficult questions.  The chances are that someone else has had the same problem as you and will be able to help with a solution.  If you find a good solution, let others know.  We would love you to pass on your tips and insights.  You could have the answer that another user is looking for.

Share your creative solutions.  We would love to see the novel ways Samurai XDR users have found to make themselves more secure.

Tell us about the features you would like us to add.  Only you will be able to explain your needs.  If we can, we will try to find a way to help you.  This way we can add the features that matter to you to the coming releases of Samurai XDR.

A little thanks also go a long way.  Show your appreciation to other community members by liking useful community posts or posting thankyou replies.

We want the Samurai Community Forum to be lively, helpful and fun and we would love all of our users to feel at home here.


Samurai Community Rules

To make sure that everybody gets the most benefit from the Samurai Community Forum, there are a few rules that everybody needs to follow regarding the content posted to the Community and the way in which they interact with other members.

If a member does post material which contravenes the rules, we will remove it as quickly as possible.

  • Always be respectful to other users.  Any harassment, hateful conduct including hate speech, bullying or targeted attacks will not be tolerated.
  • Don't post any material that violates copyright or any other intellectual property protections.
  • Don't promote or sell any products.  We understand that sometimes links to other products or services are necessary to describe a solution to a problem.  Any links that are not necessary to describe a solution with Samurai XDR may be removed without warning.
  • We won't tolerate any spam or scams, or sending unwanted or unauthorized commercial content, unwanted or mass solicitation, or other forms of duplicative or unsolicited messages.
  • Avoid any profanity, racial slurs and/or sexual innuendos or content.  If you wouldn't say it in front of your grandmother or your children - don't say it.
  • We don't tolerate threats, hate speech or violence, content advocating or inciting hate or violence, or any content depicting hate or violence, exploitation or trafficking, or other abusive, harassing, or bullying behavior.
  • Don't share any private information or access somebody else's account without permission.
  • Some users will use an alias in the Community rather than using their real name.  Please respect their privacy.

If we see any content that violates the Rules or that is illegal we will remove it as quickly as possible and without any warning. 

We encourage all users to report suspected violations of these Rules. There may be instances where we are limited in how we can respond to reported violations, but we want to know about this activity. If you see anything that you think may violate the Rules, please let us know and we will take action if appropriate. 

If you need more information regarding compliance with copyright, please refer to our Copyright Provisions page. If you need to provide notice of a copyright infringement, you must follow the process described on that page.