Alerts Overview

Modified on Thu, 15 Jun, 2023 at 4:59 PM

What is an Alert?

Security detection made by the Samurai  XDR platform or third party vendor where Samurai is ingesting telemetry. 


How are alerts presented within Samurai XDR?

You can view all alerts within the Samurai XDR application within the Alert Management Dashboard


Why should I use the Alert Management Dashboard?

The Alerts Management dashboard is where you can view all alerts centrally for you to quickly triage and action. As alerts are validated and in need of further investigation you may open an investigation and assign one, or several alerts for further validation.  You may also want to dismiss alerts, if you for example they are deemed false positive or not relevant to the environment.


How do I navigate to the Alert Management Dashboard?

  1. Login to the Samurai XDR application
  2. If applicable select the relevant tenant from Profile Settings (located at top right of window)
  3. Select Dashboards
  4. Click Alert Management


What's Next?

To further understand alerts within Samurai XDR and the dashboard, we recommend you review the Alert Management Dashboard, and also Alert Actions which outlines actions that can be taken against alerts